The events in Odessa at 01 July 2021

MK "Machine Learning - Way to Senior Data Scientist"

01 July 2021, 19:00
category: master class
place: School of computer science "Hillel" (Kanatnaya str., 22)

Navchannya models - the price for which machines can be repaired. Ale life cycle of decision will not end at all. That is not for nothing to fix. Within the framework of the master classes, we will talk about the stage of the life cycle of the project of machine science, which is often deprived of the posture of the respect of young specialists. It is not very common knowledge of previous engineers. Speaker: Andriy Latish, Engineer for Machine Analysis of Data at Provectus.

The poster of the event — MK "Machine Learning - Way to Senior Data Scientist" in School of computer science "Hillel"