The events in Odessa at 02 July 2021


02 July 2021, 18:00
category: exhibition
place: Gallery of modern art "Invogue" (St. Catherine's, 25)

The French philosopher Georges Bataille described the transgressional admissibility as a peretin between the young and the ill-fated, who knows the fence without the humiliation, which makes it possible for people to move on the border, "manding people" to the edge of possibilities. Interview admission can be involved in other spheres of life - in politics, madness, sex - de sub'kt syagaє of such a critical point, which draws into itself, being re-created on a radical basis. Water hours, there is a whole field for manipulation - stimulation of satisfying exploitation and being widely victorious as an instrument of social control. That you can’t drink pasta, balancing on a thin border, and amid that madness? Natasha Schulte has a series of picturesque robots "KAMIN, KNIVES DADS" Robots vikonanі olієyu, imaging exposing people in the middle of the camp: moments, if it is to be satisfied with satisfaction, or if navpaki - the satisfaction of the age is intense, and it is important to recognize the pain. The painting includes a video art from the "Bubblegum" project. Tse video, on the basis of documentation of special features of the artist's information about the canopy. Intense physical experiences of a particular people, presented on the video, are instantly permeated with spiritual past, private and political fantasies. Curator - Natalia Simonova Opening: 2 days 18:00 Vistavka trivatime: 2 lime trees - 7 sickles ____________________________________________The French philosopher Georges Bataille described the transgressive experience as crossing the border between the possible and the impossible, lifting the prohibition without destroying it, thereby ensuring the possibility of being at the limit, "a journey to the edge of human capabilities." Boundary experience can be embodied in various spheres of life - in politics, madness, sex - where the subject reaches such a critical point, loses himself, turning into something radically different. At the same time, it is a fertile field for manipulation - stimulation of pleasure is exploited and widely used as an instrument of social control. But is it possible not to fall into this trap, balancing on the fine line between moderation and insanity? Natasha Schulte in the series of paintings "STONE SCISSORS PAPER" explores this issue. The oil paintings depict the faces of people in borderline states: moments when pain turns into pleasure, or vice versa - pleasure becomes so intense that it is difficult to distinguish it from pain. In addition to painting, the exhibition includes video art from the "Bubblegum" project. This is a video documenting the artist's personal experiences and ideas about childbirth. The intense physical experiences of a particular person, presented in the video, are simultaneously permeated with a common past, private and political fantasies. Curator - Natalie Simonova Opening: July 2 18:00 The exhibition will last: July 2 - August 7

The poster of the event — Natasha Schulte. STONE KNIVES PAPIR in Gallery of modern art "Invogue"