The events in Odessa at 03 July 2021

Session to the club Ukrainian

03 July 2021, 11:00
category: more
place: Odessa national research library (pastera str, 13)

Privit, friends! First Saturday is a month, and tse means, in our tradition, we will traditionally use Ukrainian language and you have the ability to practice. Yuriy Stanchak's toastmaster with the topic "Myths and realities of Ukrainian cuisine. Battle of borscht with dumplings with spirited Ukrainian countries"  Do not get by without a session of impromptu. Conducted by Anastasia Ivanova. And we will talk about hospitality at the session of impromptu. It seems Ukrainian are the best people in the world. And chi tse so - diznaєmosya in more detail on Saturday. Hour: 3 linden 11:00. The event was held: Science Library at Pasteur, 13. Come before us - it's fun with us! #toastmastersukraine #toastmasters_odessa #bestodessaspeakersclub #odessa #speakersclub #speakers #oratory

The poster of the event — Session to the club Ukrainian in Odessa national research library