The events in Odessa at 14 August 2021

Collage of Stanislav Zaitsev and Nina Fedorova "The Cat's Journey"

14 August 2021, 12:00
category: exhibition
place: The world club of inhabitants of Odessa (Marazlievskaya str., 7)

On August 3, at 17.00 in the World Club of Odessa citizens, the opening of the Exhibition of Collages "The Journey of the Cat" will take place. Odessa artists Stanislav Zaitsev and Nina Fedorova invite us on a fantastic journey into art, accompanied by cats, whose original and whimsical features echo the artistic traditions of Russian folk lubok. Cat faces with large expressive and curious eyes naturally and, at the same time, ironically fit into the famous works of famous artists. Suddenly, famous paintings, many of which are masterpieces of the 20th century, take on new life. This creative and sophisticated game is graceful, imbued with love and respect for the great masters, as well as sympathy for the mysterious felines that have inspired many artists and writers. The exhibition will run in the East Kazakhstan region from 3 to 31 August.

The poster of the event — Collage of Stanislav Zaitsev and Nina Fedorova "The Cat's Journey" in The world club of inhabitants of Odessa