The events in Odessa at 18 August 2021

Film Industry Office of the 12th OIFF

18 August 2021, 11:00
category: festival
place: Hotel "Londonskaya" (Primorsky b-R, 11)

From 15 to 20 sickle in between the Film Industry Office section of the 12th Odessa International Film Festival, in , panel discussions, round tables too.  Of the main program of the professional section, you can visit the OIFF website: 18 sickle IV Networking cinema, location managers and tourist destinations - "Synergy of cinema and tourism industries" 11:00 - 11:15 Vital words 11:15 - 12:15 Panel discussion "Kino yak rushiy tourism" speakers: Pavlo Sushko, Andriy Osipov, Luke Shenyu, Darko Skulskiy, Evgeniya Yatsuta, Leonid Bitsyura, Sergiy Mirankov, Ivan Liptuga 12:15 pm - 12:35 pm Kava break 12:35 - 13:35 Panel discussion "Location management in Ukraine: the establishment of the association and regional initiatives"; Presentation of the Lviv Location Guide project speakers: Iryna Klimenko, Viktor Shevchenko, Marta Lotish, Oleksandr Moysenko, Volodymyr Svezhentsev, Nadiya Iskandarova 13:35 - 14:30 Break for ob_d 14:30 - 15:30 Panel discussion "Kinokomisii in Ukraine" speakers: Vladislav Sevryukov, Mar'yana Zaklinska-Kogut, Vyacheslav Ygorov, Galina Sulima, Igor Didenko 15:30 - 15:50 Kava break 15:50 - 17:00 Art & Travel Festival  Applications for accreditation of the Film Industry Office are accepted until 11th September:

The poster of the event — Film Industry Office of the 12th OIFF in Hotel "Londonskaya"