The events in Odessa at 18 August 2021

Evening of the seeming Ukrainian writer Les Poderv'yansky

18 August 2021, 19:00
category: recital
from 390 to 690 UAH
place: Philharmonic (Bunina str., 15)

On the 18th I will ask you to see the Odessa Regional Philharmonic for Les Poderv'yansky's creative evening! An unforgettable scene from a prominent Ukrainian satirist, a gift of a sea of ​​positive and good news to people from the author's original creativity. The lack of a majesty of the writer, yogo vishukany metaphor and is ample irony - an ingredian cocktail for vibrant gourmets! Tickets can be added online. FILIGRANNA SATIRA P'ЄS LESIA PODERV'YANSKOGO: VISTUP OF SATIRIK IN ODESKIY FILARMONIS Les Podervyanskiy's creative dorobok had a number of masterpieces, including the works of "Nirvana", "Katsapi", "Diana", "Hamlet" and іnshi. On the special style of the author of thousands of Ukrainian "pidsili" for a long time. І s skin rock is a number of shanuvalniks of the writer of growth. And it’s uncomfortable that you get lost in baiduzhim to the unverified robits of Poderv'yanskiy, for those who have a vyshukany political stance, a doorway of irony, rudeness, alegoria, and, obviously, healthy deafness. Also come, borrow a moment and just visit a wonderful company of a talented author. Until then!

The poster of the event — Evening of the seeming Ukrainian writer Les Poderv'yansky in Philharmonic