The events in Odessa at 12 August 2021


12 August 2021, 20:00
category: concert
200 UAH
place: True man Hot Boat (Dolphin beach)

MOTANKA will turn to Odessa with their first solo concert in 2019! You will feel the songs from the debut album by the herd, as well as the decal of the new songs, which will leave before the upcoming album. The edge of the boulevard of events near Lutsk in 2015, and even for the decilka of rock, was played at various European festivals, and to tighten the respect of the top ZMI for the sake of the world. In 2018, MOTANKA rosi took another place at the metal battle as part of the WACKEN Open Air, the biggest metal festival! MOTANKA plays in the genre of mystical metal, vikoristovuyu and vikoristyuyuvuchasnuyu electronics and ancient Ukrainian instruments, such as ocarina, cymbals and throat spiv. The number of mice is INTERMEDIATED! ⠀ Daily sales: 200 UAH ⠀ Format: "Restaurant & Lounge" ⠀ The concert will be held in accordance with the sanitary norms of the Ministry of Health. ⠀ FC / DC 18+

The poster of the event — MOTANKA in True man Hot Boat