The events in Odessa at 11 August 2021


11 August 2021, 22:30
category: party
place: Poncho snack art bar (st. Greek, 26/28)

In the middle, 11 sickles, about 22:30 for the first time not deprived of Odessa, but in Ukraine as a whole - the name BROTHER HILL. Musicant, multi-instrumentalist from Ohio. In Poncho, there is the presence of the author's songs and the folk music of the Appalachian region. Liche in Poncho can be more expensive with light in the center of Odessa! Come that porin with us in the qiu kazkov atmosphere. Vhіd vіlniy. Booking tables: +380 (63) 613 86 85

The poster of the event — BROTHER HILL in Poncho snack art bar