The events in Odessa at 15 August 2021

12 OIFF / National Competition Program / Additional meter: Rivale / Supernik / Rival

15 August 2021, 18:30
category: movie
place: Comedy (street, 3)

Rivale / Supernik / Rival Nimechchina, Ukraine / 2020, 96 ' Director: Markus Lenz Nine Roman was born to his mother Oksana, who had been on illegal earnings to Nimechchin. There, I live with Bert, a 62-year-old child, who is suffering for diabetics. Ert namagaєtsya to make friends with the boy, Aleksei Romana, in front of us to swear respect to the mother. Raptom Oksana is old rotten Roman to become one of his superniks. Vyavlyatsya, scho with a wart on a miracle tsikavo gratis, even the docks of that do not die in the insult. Vidtak Roman iz a corpse in the pasty in the backwoods ... Nagorodi: Naykrashcha robot operator at the IFF "Listapad" near Minsku (2020) Producer: Ґunter Ganfґarn, Andrea Ufer, Marina Orukhova, Yuriy Buliy Screenwriter: Markus Lenz, Lars Gubrich Operator: Frank Amann Composer: Karoline Ziyers, Evuniy Kalpurin Actors: Alizar Nazarenko, Udo Zamel, Maria Bruni Director: Markus Lenz Biography: Markus Lenz was born in 1969 in Gattineni (Nimechchina). Viris bilya Rura, vivchav the communal design at the University of Arts Folkwan in Essen and at the UIAH in Helsinki. Having gone well, I joined the Nimetsky Academy of Cinema and Television in Berlin, de-vivifying the director and cameraman's mistress at such victories, such as Bela Tarr, Wolfgano Becker, Slavomir Id Balkyak, Mikhael tael. Pislya Navchannya Markus is a director and / or a cameraman working on the stems of documentary and game films. Filmography: Blizko (2004), Timur (2013), Supernik (2020)Virobnik: HANFGARN & UFER, Belka Strelka Legal Fellow: Pluto Film

The poster of the event — 12 OIFF / National Competition Program / Additional meter: Rivale / Supernik / Rival in Comedy