The events in Odessa at 12 August 2021

Taste of Sales / Online Express Course

12 August 2021, 10:00
category: online
from 300 to 900 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

Smak Sales: Three kroki for smart sales. Express-course for Specialists from sales and applications / kerivniks. I would like to call this course “literacy eradication”. There are enough points in sales and in simple actions of sellers that are important to change. Correct. To do better. And, I do NOT want to discount the things that you are already doing with dignity. Therefore, the course - on three hot topics and with the name "Taste of Sales". Appetite, as you know, comes with a meal. So, we will develop this very appetite for worthy sales ... by practice. Participate yourself to be able to "convey" to employees and salespeople this approach = worthy sales action. Come all department. For companies with several employees in the sales department - special conditions for participation. Three live webinars (live broadcasts) in ZOOM. Practice on everyone. Easy (real to do “just during normal work”) D.Z., homework. Hot topics (according to my feelings, what I, as a Client, DO NOT have enough). At the same time, we can work with those questions that the Participants themselves will voice. What exactly I promise: + supportive space (in the company of sales enthusiasts) + answers to "how to do the right thing in sales": + how to increase sales by 2 times or less + what specific questions to ask to clarify the Client's request + how to present briefly and vividly (to be remembered) + how to make an offer + How to work with a customer base for quick sales+ How to start talking with the Client about the Client, and NOT about Your beloved / loved one. + Practical tasks and exercises with comments / feedback (including in person) Cost of participation: 300 hryvnia 1 webinar. 900 hryvnia per course. Recorded = 350 hryvnia 1 webinar. With the participation of the entire sales department (any number of Participants from the Company) = 500 hryvnia for 1 webinar, UAH 1,500 for an express course. Welcome. #smakprodazhiv Workshop practice # 1 (from three) in ZOOM. 12.08 | four Topic: Yak pratsyuvati with the base of Clients for quick sales. 10:00 - 12:15 (from the financial analysis) Workshop practice # 2 (from three) in ZOOM. 19.08 | four Subject: Yak rozpovisti pro Product is short and yaskravo? Including from messengers / letter. 10:00 - 12:15 Workshop practice # 3 (final) in ZOOM. 26.08 | four Topic: Yak effectively communicates with messengers / writing. First of all? 7 + life hacks for a presentation about the Client, and not about himself. 10:00 - 12:00 #SmakProdazhiv

The poster of the event — Taste of Sales / Online Express Course in Location