The events in Odessa at 10 September 2021


10 September 2021, 10:00
category: exhibition
from 40 to 60 UAH
place: Studio (French b-R, 33)

ІMERSIVNY SVIT TARAS SHEVCHENKA Z 21 serpnya to 12 spring 2021 from 10:00 to 18:00 Odeska Kinostudiya French Boulevard 33 Іmersive Svit of Taras Shevchenko tse persha ukrainian іmersive display is assigned to the Ukrainian artist herself. In a wide range of immersive lights, with the help of modern multimedia technologies, you can get into the expanded reality of the gateway with the help of Taras Shevchenko's robots. You will be drawn into the atmosphere of the whistle-blown space as I will live up to reality, and the cordon between you and the light of the mystery will be erased. The show will hunt all the head aspects of Shevchenko's creativity. Childhood in kriposna is right, wikup, moving to Russia, areshta, posilannya, to the rise in price in Ukraine, Petersburg period, and very love. As a result, you will wow the yak podії yak yakіvali in the life of Shevchenko infused into his visual and poetical creativity. Producer - Natalya Delinova and Valeriy Kostyuk Creative director - Taisiya Poda Composer - Timur Polyansky For the participation: the First Grace Theater Fund, the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko, the National Academic Ukrainian People's Choir of Ukraine named Grigoria Verovka, Odeska Kinostudiya, Odeska Miska Rada. tickets: Dorosly - 60 UAH Childish - 40 UAH Students according to student - 40 UAH. Pensioners and people with disabilities - free of charge according to dedicated

The poster of the event — ІMERSIVNY SVIT TARAS SHEVCHENKA in Studio