The events in Odessa at 13 August 2021

"Gliboke Chorne More" / Fluoroart by Ihti Anderson / M. Chornomorsk

13 August 2021, 17:00
category: exhibition
place: Location (look in the description)

A magical date for a magical show! On Friday the 13th, check out all about 17:00 In the Museum of Creative Artists іm. O. Bilyo at the display of the show to the fluoroart "Gliboka Chorne More" by the artist from the place of Chornomorska, Ihti Anderson. Іхті Anderson began his journey of the artist in 2005, he started with decorations for parties with psychedelic musical direct, but everything changed and collapsed, and his creativity opened up and developed at once with him until the whole day. On this year's day, there is a lot of space at the biggest festivals in the world, as well as the development of its own brand of club youth clothing with prints of its robots, graphic design and design for websites, used on motorcycles Not everyone. Create Іхті Anderson can be brought directly to "Vizheonary" art. On the author's thought, the role of the development of the modern art and the people in general is even more important. There is a mystery of open doors in the minds of the people, in the back of the house, those that are invisible to the crawling human gaze. Bachennya is in everyone, in dreams or deep meditations, before an hour of prayer, or just not matched in the middle of a simple day. And often the information is prikhovanny in vidinnya, maybe even more important role for people, and sometimes for all people. We will ask for all the beautiful shanuvalniks of the beautiful and non-vicious porinuti in Glybok Chorne The sea is with us! Tsya vistavka - gras of contrasts, Chorny and Bіlogo. Tsia vistavka - rosma and bogatosharovist sensiv.The entrance to the screen is traditionally vilny. The guests of the museum have a reception and a musical surprise. Also, let's get started soon: Friday, 13 serpnya, 17:00 Museum of O. Bilyo Vul.Parkova, 8

The poster of the event — "Gliboke Chorne More" / Fluoroart by Ihti Anderson / M. Chornomorsk in Location