The events in Odessa at 16 August 2021

Mikhail Lobkovsky: "Who am I?" How to find yourself and live with pleasure

16 August 2021, 19:00
category: lecture
from 850 to 2800 UAH
place: Summer theatre (Preobrazhenskaya St., 24)

Try to answer a simple question: who are you? What are you? How do you consider yourself? Do you seem timid, indecisive, aggressive to yourself? Do you skillfully hide complexes behind feigned bravado, or do you habitually withdraw into yourself? Did you think so about yourself, or did the people around you impose their point of view on you, generously hanging labels and their ideas on you, like a coat on a hanger? Do you like your life? Do you make your own choices every day? If you are doing well, I sincerely congratulate you. My practice shows that few can boast of this. Some do not have a good personal life. Others get stuck in a job they don't like for years. Still others do not know how to be friends, love, take responsibility for themselves or trust a partner in making decisions. We masterfully invent excuses, explaining our failures, fears and guilt with character, appearance, mind, circumstances, age, and God knows what else. Or maybe the fact is that we have gone too far from our real ones? Maybe our parents had a hand in it (they wanted the best, but there were some mistakes)? Or classmates who teased us for being "too" fat / thin / tall / short and changed our self-image forever? Or others trying to push us into the narrow framework of how to behave / what is supposed to want / need to achieve? And so - from the garden to the university, from the first job to social security. As a result, we merge with our complexes, wear them like armor, consider them part of our personality ...Isn't it time to quit this? Getting to know yourself now? Find out your tastes, desires, features? Start loving yourself. The way it is. Just imagine: one day you can wake up free from all this husk, shackles and masks that others have hung on us. Wake up - and feel calm and happiness. And that would be a wonderful morning. And to bring it closer is quite real. We will talk about how to take the first step towards real yourself at a public consultation in Odessa on August 16 at 19:00. By tradition, I will talk for 10-15 minutes on the stated topic, and then our conversation will take a more specific and PRACTICAL direction based on your questions.

The poster of the event — Mikhail Lobkovsky: "Who am I?" How to find yourself and live with pleasure in Summer theatre