The events in Odessa at 16 August 2021

Anti-stress body massage 1st and 2nd levels

16 August 2021, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (specified when registering)

▫️ 1st level of training - Basic Neurophysiological techniques of body massage. ▫️2nd level - Professional Anti-stress body massage. August 16-17, 2021, Odessa Stress (from the English stress - load, tension; state of increased stress) - a set of nonspecific adaptive (normal) reactions of the body to the effects of various adverse factors - stressors (physical or psychological), disrupting its homeostasis, as well as the corresponding state of the nervous system of the body (or organism as a whole). In medicine, physiology, psychology, there are positive (eustress) and negative (distress) forms of stress. By the nature of the impact, neuropsychic, heat or cold (temperature), light, hunger and other stresses (radiation, etc.) are distinguished. Whatever the stress, "good" or "bad", emotional or physical (or both at the same time), its effect on the body has common nonspecific features, sometimes destructive. And as a consequence of neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, myofascial pain, alimentary obesity, physical stress, bad mood, hypersensitivity, etc. The basis for dealing with these and other problems that arise in our fleeting and stressful lives was created and developed by the kinesiotherapist Enrique Castells Garcia (Spain). The workshop will be divided into two parts: ▪️First level - Neurophysiological (receptor, neurosedative) body massage.The purpose of this massage is to prevent the effects of stress, both on the upper layers of the skin, and on muscles, blood vessels, and nerve fibers. The technique includes special relaxing movements that relieve muscle spasms, affect the nervous system, thereby stimulating the production of adrenaline antagonist hormones and the formation of collagen fibers. Such an effect on the body is of a complex systemic nature, and as a result - an excellent mood and well-being! Anti-stress massage not only induces muscle relaxation and pleasant sensations, it is also able to cope with many problems that are psychosomatic in nature. Neurophysiological body massage is recommended: ✓ with muscle strain and fatigue; ✓ insomnia; ✓apathy and nervous exhaustion. During this seminar, you will have to master in practice the most difficult movements in massage technologies - alternative, counter and reciprocating neurocutaneous strokes. The studied schemes will help you to relieve the psychoemotional tension of the muscles of the body, the collar zone in patients, relax them and make the procedure pleasant and comfortable. ▪️Second level - Anti-stress body massage. (a special technique of deep neurocutaneous influence on the neuromuscular apparatus to work with stressful reactions)Refers to SPA massages and is shown as a preventive and therapeutic procedure. It is aimed at restoring the structural basis of the body and includes work at the level of tissues and organs. The main tasks are to work with deep stressful conditions - distress and depression, as well as to remove With the help of this massage you can achieve deep relaxation, deal with emotional and mental stresses and eliminate their consequences - chronic fatigue, apathy, sleep disturbances, increased irritability, etc. Anti-stress massage is also recommended for numerous psychosomatic diseases. This massage involves increasing the body's resistance to stress and synchronizing the electrical activity of both hemispheres of the brain. At the same time, the activity of the dominant hemisphere decreases. In parallel, the stimulation of the pleasure centers in the brain and the release of endorphins into the blood take place. Thus, a state of deep relaxation is achieved and the consequences of accumulated emotional and mental stress are eliminated. Of course, anti-stress massage has a beneficial effect on the patient's appearance. Due to the maximum muscle relaxation, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. SPE (somato-psycho-emotional) body massage The massage tactics vary depending on the task at hand. When performing a massage, touching during a session is unobtrusive and non-aggressive, soothing, plunging into a state of pleasant calm.Relaxing massage: this type of massage, which has no contraindications and never gives side effects, can be used for patients of any age. It is characterized by a harmonious combination of European and oriental massage techniques and is based on the principle of an individual approach to the client. The result of the impact is: resistance to stress and increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body synchronizes the electrical activity of both hemispheres, reducing the activity of the dominant hemisphere stimulates the brain's pleasure centers, producing endorphins that have anti-stress effects also, this massage can be used when dealing with pain (preparatory part of the massage aimed at the central nervous system). it is indispensable in spa procedures, because it is no secret that a person comes to the spa center to relax and unwind, and to get pleasure. SPE massage has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system and allows a person to get exactly what he wanted from the massage: rest and relaxation. The workshop program includes 2 hours of theory and 14 hours of practical training: • Theory of stress. • Theoretical and physiological basis of massage. • Adaptation of tissues and blood vessels to deep impact. • Impact on the restoration of the nervous system. • Recovery of the muscular system. • Preparation for SPA procedure: interaction of 5 senses. • Techniques using stroking, alternative, pressure, optimization and synergy techniques. • Practical training.

The poster of the event — Anti-stress body massage 1st and 2nd levels in Location