The events in Odessa at 09 September 2021

Tapestries Esther Serpionova "Above the Horizon"

09 September 2021, 12:00
category: exhibition
place: The world club of inhabitants of Odessa (Marazlievskaya str., 7)

A unique exhibition of tapestries by the artist Esfiri Serpionova gives everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with such a complex art form as tapestry. The author's monumental works reveal the theme of striving for spiritual height, creative upsurge. The author's kind and optimistic attitude is reflected in every work. Esfir Naumovna Serpionova was born in 1943 in the Southern Urals. In 1964, Esther received the specialty of a sculptor at the Odessa Art School. M.B. Grekov. In 1971 she graduated from the Art and Production Faculty of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. In her creative baggage there are more than 30 theatrical performances in various theaters of the country. Since 1972, she began to take part in republican, all-Union and foreign exhibitions. Since 1990 she has received the status of a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. Esfir Naumovna Serpionova is engaged in sculpture, graphics, painting, scenography and arts and crafts. He is a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Graphics of the DPI and the Moscow State University of the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after I. K. D. Ushinsky. Esther Serpionova's works are in galleries and private collections in many countries: the USA, France, Germany, England and Italy, countries of the former Soviet republics. We invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Above the Horizon" on September 1 at 16.00 at the World Club of Odessa citizens. The exhibition will run until September 30.

The poster of the event — Tapestries Esther Serpionova "Above the Horizon" in The world club of inhabitants of Odessa