The events in Odessa at 11 September 2021

10th Festival "Nimi Nights" / "Mischievous symphonies: experimental urbanism of the 1920s"

11 September 2021, 18:30
category: festival
150 UAH
place: The Museum of modern art (Belinskogo St., 5)

11 and 12 spring in Odessa will be the 10th anniversary Festival of the same film and happy music "Nimi nights". Spivorganizators for the festival - Dovzhenko Center and the Museum of Odesa's Fancy Art and the Zeleniy Theater, which will become the locations of the event More than ten years of the festival in Kiev and Odessa, 60 films were shown (part of the previous ones were included) in the live music supervisor of musicians from Ukraine, Poland, Bilechlorusina, USA, USA Mexico and Japan. "Nimi Nights" became the biggest festival of any kind of cinema in European Europe and the leading Ukrainian archival film festival, bringing the glory of Vishukan and intellectual action. ROZKLAD: 11 Veresnya, 18:30 (Museum of Odesa's Mysterious Art)  "Nimi Nights" to be seen on Sunday 11th about 18:30 pop-up display of posters of the successful rock festival in the Museum of Odesa's Fancy Art. The show is trivial for only two days, it is valid. Sunday 11 at 19:30 near the courtyard of the Museum there will be a chamber screening of films by the Dovzhenko Center "Mischievous Symphony: Experimental Urbanism of the 1920s" in a live musical supervisor at the Vicon of Odessa composer Roxania Smirnova.Miska Symphony is a unique cinematic documentary genre that originated in the 1920s, since films began to appear on the backbone of the cinematography, documentaries for their sutta, experimental behind the zmist of the same mood. The program will show films showing the youth of European cities: Tbilis, London, New York, Nice. Varity ticket for the first day of the festival - chamber film screening 11 Veresnya at MSMO - 150 UAH. You can add a ticket at the meeting. The number of receipts has been swapped, so please memorize the restoration form: ______ 12 Veresnya, 19:00 (Zeleniy Theater)  The main program of the festival will start at the Green Theater on 12 April at 19:00. I’ll look at the quarantine rhiziki of the quarantine. Pridbati ЄDINY KVITOK FOR 3 FILMI: Varity to move in the same month 6! 19: 00 - The first set of the festival, the assignment of the Ukrainian-famous Arthur to this film by Ksenia Desnia, which will be celebrated by the show of the melodramas "Carousel" 20: 25 - Within the framework of another set, assigned to the Ukrainian and French film by Natalya Lysenko, a French line by director Jean Epshtein “Underworld cohannia” (1925) will be shown in the supervisor of the Kiev composer Oleksy and film director22: 20 - The third set of the festival is a masterpiece of the Ukrainian cinema avant-garde - the cinema symphony "Sheds" (1929) directed by Mikhail Kaufman in the supervisor of the famous Ukrainian composer Oleksandr Kokhanovsky. Pridbati ЄDINY KVITOK FOR 3 FILMS: Varity to move in the same month 6! ______ Festival partners: Oleksandr Dovzhenka National Center, Odeska Miska is glad, Odessa Museum of Fancy Art, Zeleniy Theater, French Institute at Kiev, British Rada in Ukraine.

The poster of the event — 10th Festival "Nimi Nights" / "Mischievous symphonies: experimental urbanism of the 1920s" in The Museum of modern art