The events in Odessa at 10 September 2021

Vrazharium vid Smile

10 September 2021, 16:00
category: more
place: Address (Shevchenko Park)

# Vrazharіum vіd Smile - a great interactive display with the most hostile enemies from the US. We took 40 interactive and 6 VR stations from two sea containers, so many tourist locations of the most popular countries were taken, and there was a feeling of hostility from the mandate, not too much. In two months # Vrazharium from Smile went to Kiev, Odessa, Lvov, Kharkov and Dnipri.  Scho varto zrobiti u # Vrazharіumі vіd Smile: 諒 Survive the enemy in VR In the eyepieces of virtual reality, you can go to Everest, go to the Cirque du Soleil show and virus on the African safari, go to the left and elephants.  Zazirnuti to the tourist capitals of the Svitu You are being checked on 40 interactives. Here you can play a light show on Notre Dame de Pari, turn the route of the New York taxi, go to the carnival in Rio and go to the markets of the Thai capital.  Find yourself in a Moroccan place At the other container, you will be transported to the street of the blakit place of Chefchaouen, you will hear the noise of the bazaar, the details of the mussel will be detached and the aroma of African specialties will appear.  Touch the wild nature Shook binocles from the cliffs of the Great Canyon of the United States and salt flats in Bolivia, pivnichne syayvo, the color of which can be cheruvati, and interactive from the continents. І do not forget to take a photo with a raffle - the most beautiful picture at the svitin Virus at the beginning of the day, increase the price at your own place:  Odessa, Shevchenko Park, Quarantine Wall (7-14 days) Kiev, People's Friendship Arch (28 serpnya - 4 spring) ✅  Lviv, fountain of the Bilya Opera House (17-24 days)  Kharkiv, Svoboda square (27 spring - 3 zhovtnya)  Dnipro, Heroes Square on the Maidan (7-15 zhovtnya) # Vrazarium from Smile work at weekdays from 16:00 to 21:00 and at vikhidnі - from 10:00 to 21:00. Login vilny for the binding restoration through the chat bot. Yak zareєstruvatisya  Go to the chatbot from the mobile attachment: Telegram: Viber:  Get the date  Obtain an hour slot (weekdays 16: 00-21: 00, weekdays 10: 00-21: 00)  Redo the ticket Importantly Restratsіya go to the hour-long prominence at pіvtori godini. If you will come for a while, for 15 minutes for the ear of the slot, your reserve will be known.

The poster of the event — Vrazharium vid Smile in Address