The events in Odessa at 25 September 2021

Free Irish Dance Workshop

25 September 2021, 12:00
category: dancing
place: Location (look in the description)

Dear friends! We invite you to a free Irish dance master class !!! FOR NEWBIES!!! For those who know nothing about dancing or know very little. 25 September at 12:00, Saturday Marazlievskaya street 34a "Palace of Students" hall 47. We will show the exercises that are necessary for the general physical fitness of each dancer, we will learn the basic movements and elements of the dance and, of course, we will stretch at last. With you, be sure to have sportswear and comfortable shoes.  It will be fun and interesting! Invite your friends and dance with us! Event organizer: Irish Dance Studio Grand Emerald

The poster of the event — Free Irish Dance Workshop in Location