The events in Odessa at 25 September 2021

Planet world - Neptune

25 September 2021, 19:00
category: lecture
from 50 to 100 UAH
place: Odessa planetarium ONU im. I. Mechnikov (Park them. Taras Shevchenko, St. Marazlievskaya, 1V)

September 25 (19:00), an event will be held at the University Planetarium: "The world of the planet - Neptune" In a programme: - Lecture: "WORLD OF THE PLANET NEPTUNE - ANNIVERSARY OF OPENING, RINGS, ICE SATELLITES AND HURRICANES IN THE ATMOSPHERE " - Overview of expositions: "Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the planet", "Ukraine is a space power", "Odessa in the history of cosmonautics", "Odessa Maritime Space Fleet", "Parade of the Planets". -Demonstration of the starry sky, 3D films on the dome of the Planetarium. - Viewing the starry sky on the old telescope of the astronomical observatory of the firm "Cook and Sons". We observe Jupiter and Saturn. Our employees: - a tour of the Planetarium exposition and an author's lecture are conducted by the Chairman of the Odessa Astronomical Society, senior researcher Mikhail Ryabov. - Demonstration of the starry sky and 3D films in the Planetarium, display of the starry sky on the Cook telescope, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vladimir Yushchenko. - Demonstration of the starry sky at the Planetarium telescope - Researcher Vladimir Komendant. - contacts and meeting of visitors - researcher Lyubov Sobitnyak The cost of attending the event: 100 UAH - adult 50 UAH - children under 10 years old To attend the event, you need to make an appointment in advance! The University Planetarium is located on the territory of the Astronomical Observatory in the park. Taras Shevchenko (Marazlievskaya, 1c). We are waiting for everyone! Inquiries and registration by phone: (093) 1917196 - Viber, (097) 0987983

The poster of the event — Planet world - Neptune in Odessa planetarium ONU im. I. Mechnikov