The events in Odessa at 27 October 2021

Quitka-Osnov'yanenko "Shelmenko Batman" 12+

27 October 2021, 19:00
category: play
from 120 to 150 UAH
place: TUZ (Grecheskaya St., 48A)

SHELMENKO-DADSHIK 12+ Author: G. Kvitki-Osnovyanenko Genre: Vaudeville on two diy G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko is a bright, yaskraviy vaudeville, which organically tastes folk humor and classical European drama. Do not bustle hopeless situations, if the Ukrainian Truffaldino takes care of the right!

The poster of the event — Quitka-Osnov'yanenko "Shelmenko Batman" 12+ in TUZ