The events in Odessa at 28 September 2021

ROSATSEA. Correction methods

28 September 2021, 11:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (look in the description)

ODESSA DON'T MISS  Seminar on one of the most difficult problems in cosmetology 臘 Rosacea Correction methods 1. Rosacea - etiology, provoking factors, stages 2. Differential diagnosis 3. Methods of correction in a beauty parlor 4. The active components that make up the remedies for correcting the problem 離 5. Recommendations for home care 林 6. Adjusting the food diary 7. Hardware techniques in complex care And also PRESENTATION OF A NEW MULTIFUNCTIONAL LINE OF PEELING  Effective formulations for solving all pressing problems - pigmentation , acne 裂, rosacea 咽 and more 類 From everyone's favorite ALMOND peeling to the absolute novelty of AQUA LASER PEELING SPEAKER - a practicing cosmetologist, founder of the school for teaching injection techniques TALAVIRA DIANA Conditions of participation  - purchase of drugs for 1000 UAH Mandatory prepayment and registration 0968787069 Beginning at 11.00 on Panteleimonovskaya, 128

The poster of the event — ROSATSEA. Correction methods in Location