The events in Odessa at 06 October 2021

How can debate help to create an effective communication?

06 October 2021, 19:00
category: seminar/training
place: Entrepreneurs Support Center "Diya.Biznes I Odesa" (st. Greek, 1a)

Bazhate articles more overconflicted in everyday communes, overcome the fear of public appearances. So it is possible to convey your idea and a little bit of a sponsor? Dia.Biznes і Academy of Communal Organizational Organizational Debati is an intellectual-illumination of the group, which also helps to paint: Analytical and critical misleading Navichki of public appearances and self-presentations Huminnya analizuvati and zastosovuvati great information Publishing arguments Debate the principle of staying in the British Parliament. Meta gri - cross the third side to take your point of view. The Academy of Communities is a training center, which can help you overcome the fear of public appearances, if you have a present to yourself, we will be more overconceived as a sponsor. Z 2010 p. popularize "Debati" in Odessa and Ukraine through the Odessa Debate Union and Debate for Changes NGO. Oleksandr Kaigorodov - Remozhets of the debate tour, which will be held under the UN Provid 150 trainings and maister-classes, including in projects with 100+ participants 6 zhovtnya 19:00 - 21:00 free of charge Offline st.Gretska, 1a Resolution for the efforts

The poster of the event — How can debate help to create an effective communication? in Entrepreneurs Support Center "Diya.Biznes I Odesa"