The events in Odessa at 04 October 2021

Elsa Quenten about "DADA"

04 October 2021, 18:00
category: lecture
free donation
place: Green theatre (Shevchenko Park)

4 jovtnya, 18:00 Lecture "DADA" Input: free donation Whole ruh to emerge and develop in Europe on the ear of the twentieth century at the crossroads of visual art, literature and performance. The whole multidisciplinary pidkhid є revolutionary: guilt in absurdity, ridicule and humor. Artists put on a diet of artistic and literary intelligence and demonstrate provocation through a radical prototype of classical aesthetic traditions. We can see the kind of robots that were created by the great artists, who were honored to the utmost. In such a rank, we can see it, let us see the concepts of beauty and culture, and those who lack and degrade the established order allow them to take access to the new intellectual freedom. Lecturer Elsa Kwenten is an aggregate of artists, visual artist, student of the University of Upper Brittany, Rennes II. Vona specializes in graphic practices and symbolic vimiri.

The poster of the event — Elsa Quenten about "DADA" in Green theatre