The events in Odessa at 10 October 2021

Contemporary light animacy / LINOLEUM 2021

10 October 2021, 19:00
category: movie
place: Location (look in the description)

LINOLEUM will turn to Odessa with the best international and Ukrainian animation shows. Recent hits, which fostered dozens of festival festivals, and could show those that were not able to show the arts. 9 and 10 zhovtnya at the Museum of Odesa's Fancy Mistress VHID VILNY! Show rozrahovani for audit 16+ Є speech, which is easy to mean. Speech, which is named for itself, is not a word. Є speeches, about which are the most beautiful presentation of the animation. Every day, kmіtliva, grailiva, zuhvala, an hour sum, an hour like that, I give my hope: an animation about a common genre, a gift to us of young heroes and to play with those who are protesting the most important We'll be surrounded by the curator directly from Visual Arts at the Projector - Creative & Tech Online Institute Oleg Malamuzh, behind the sumptuousness of the director of the animated films “Mavka”, “Vikraden princess”, “Roksolana”. Oleg will tell you about what to learn in the animation and how to connect your world, as well as hold a workshop with a quick little baby for everyone who needs it. ROZKLAD 9 gossip 16: 00-17: 00 - lecture on the topic "Animation, why do you want to join your world" 17: 30-18: 30 - workshop "Shvydky baby" for everyone who needs it (take your own notebooks, olivtsi / pens) 19: 00-20: 30 - showing the Ukrainian competition LINOLEUM 2021 10 govtnya 19: 00-20: 30 - showing by the programs of the LINOLEUM 2021 international competition Restoration of glances:! Follow the updates, the fragments of the program can be changed and updated. Shows will be shown for the films of the State Educational Institution "Cultprosvit" within the framework of the "Kinomisia" initiative. Festival to see the pictures of the State University of Ukraine Where? Art Gallery, Odessa Museum of Modern Art, Sabansky Prov., 4а

The poster of the event — Contemporary light animacy / LINOLEUM 2021 in Location