The events in Odessa at 09 October 2021

LITERATURE YAK THERAPY. Zustrich with the writer Mark Livin

09 October 2021, 16:00
category: recital
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

The coming of the autumn season is coming to the festival   LITERATURE YAK THERAPY  Zustrich with the writer Mark Livin, who has contributed to the podcast “In Simple Words”. For the author, the text is the best therapy. And behind the clever minds, the text is becoming a therapy for the reader, or is it becoming destructive? What are the books? And you read it? How does the literature help people internally change? How much literature is there, what kind of mechanics are there in the back? The topic is also broadened and we will talk about mental health in Ukraine: whoever is important, is pouring in that yak about himself. Zustrich see in the program cycle "Literary tour". ✍ Mark Livin is a lucky Ukrainian writer and journalist, protector of the editor-in-chief of The Village Ukraine. He is the author of the popular podcast about psychology "In Simple Words" and one of the bestselling books. She is the author of the books "Babine Lito", "Riki and Roads" (she spent up to a list of prominent books for people with an IBBY background), "Storyteling for the Eyes of Vuh and Heart", "In Simple Words. Yak go to your emotsiyah. " Spіvzasnovnik (along with the writing by Katerina Babkina) to the project of popularization of reading by the Ukrainian language #bookchallenge_ua (the project’s headquarters - 2.5 million koristuvachіv). ✔ Zustrіchaumos 9 zhovtnya about 16.00 in the Odessa region, the universal science library. M. Hrushevsky.  Dyakuєmo biblіotetsі for partnership and hospitality!  Triva is the main season for the festival!Festival "Zelena Khvilya"

The poster of the event — LITERATURE YAK THERAPY. Zustrich with the writer Mark Livin in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky