The events in Odessa at 06 October 2021

Criticuati cannot be zupiniti. Conversation with literary criticism Tetyana Trofimenko

06 October 2021, 17:00
category: literary evening
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

 TRIV OSINNII SEASON FESTIVAL The topic is stepping   Criticuati cannot be zupiniti. Conversation with literary criticism Tetyana Trofimenko, the author of the book "# about literary: mustache, you wanted the nobility about the lucky Ukrainian literature". Moderator: journalist and literary glance Olena Kontsevich.  Let's talk about those tendencies that can be quilted in the bitter Ukrainian literature, in response to both writers, critics and readers, the revision of the canon, as well as about the infusion of politics, ideology, and new friendship in the literature of discourse. ✔ Zustrіchaumos 6 zhovtnya about 17.00 in biblіotetsі im. M. S. Hrushevsky.  Dyakuumo bibliotetsi for partnership and hospitality! The festival will be held at the side of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

The poster of the event — Criticuati cannot be zupiniti. Conversation with literary criticism Tetyana Trofimenko in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky