The events in Odessa at 05 October 2021

Conversation with Olga Dubchak "Chuti Ukrainian: about sounds, letters and new spelling"

05 October 2021, 17:00
category: literary evening
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

TRIVA OSINNІY SEASON FESTIVAL  A miraculous book "Chuti Ukrainskoyu" has appeared at the vidavnistvі "Vіkhola". The book is alive and up-to-date, so they asked the author Olga Dubchak to go to Odessa, and also check for the show with her. Tetyana Trofimenko, a moderator of literary criticism, was requested from Kharkov especially for the whole community. Otzhe:  Chuti Ukrainian: a rage with the literary editor Olga Dubchak about the sounds of that letter of the Ukrainian language, about the correct Vimova, subtle and useful voices, about the sound of sounds, and also about those who are right about ten new problems ✍ Olga Dubchak - Ph.D. in Philology, literary editor, head editor and scientific director of the "Vіkhola" branch. ✔ Zustrіchaєmos 5 Zhovtnya about 17.00 at the library. M. S. Hrushevsky.  Dyakuumo bibliotetsi for partnership and hospitality! The festival will be held at the side of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. You can add the book on the website: https: // /.../ olga-dubchak-chuty ...

The poster of the event — Conversation with Olga Dubchak "Chuti Ukrainian: about sounds, letters and new spelling" in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky