The events in Odessa at 07 October 2021

Chitannya Vingranovskogo

07 October 2021, 17:00
category: literary evening
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

7 leaf fall 2021 r. Vipovnitsya 85 rocks from the day of Mikoly Vingranovskoy's people! For the coming anniversary, I will ask for all 7 days before the library. Hrushevsky (st. Troitska 49/51) to the reading room of Vingranovsky! Our guest is Oleksandr Tarasenko (a huge dyach, sings) to tell the story of the life of the unrepentant Shistcostal writer, director, actor, screenwriter and poet. Moderator: Andriy Khautsky! Do not forget about masks and distance and check on you! Come to see the Department of Education and Science of the OODA!

The poster of the event — Chitannya Vingranovskogo in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky