The events in Odessa at 05 November 2021

Station Tevli / Groshi from the sale of tickets will be right on the door of the Holocaust Museum

05 November 2021, 19:00
category: play
300 UAH
place: Puppet theatre (street Pasteur, 15)

4 and 5 leaves fall on the stage of the Odessa Academic Theater Lyalok - the head of the autumn premiere "STANTSIYA TEVLI." Stage Director Elistin Mikhailov. Tickets are still on sale: FUNDS FOR SALE OF KVITKIV WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE VICTIMS OF THE VOICE IN ODESI. __ __ __ __ The play "TV STATION" is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust in Odessa and around the world. He will tell adults and young viewers about one of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century in a figurative artistic and theatrical form. The performance takes place during the Second World War. The plot uses historical facts and works of Jewish folklore, puppets and actors of a live plan work on the stage, live music (Jewish folk songs) sounds, the performance has a large-scale scenographic and choreographic solution. The production is being directed by Elistin Mikhailov.Elistin Mikhailov: “I didn't want to take someone else's story for the play and took my own, which I understand. I grew up in the same family as someone who went through a death camp. I know where the pain points are. Tevli Station is not a poster about valiant warriors and great battles. The performance is named after a small village that was conquered at the very beginning of the war. My grandmother lived here. After the German troops entered the village, she and the adults went to the concentration camp. Behind the barbed wire, people were burned in ovens, gassed, and in the neighboring barracks they played weddings, sang lullabies and told fairy tales. I'm trying to figure out how to remain human in inhuman conditions. " THIS PROJECT HAS A CHARACTERISTIC CHARACTER - ALL FUNDS FROM THE SALE OF TICKETS FOR THE PERFORMANCE WILL BE DONE FOR THE CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUSEUM OF MEMORY OF THE VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST IN ODESSA.

The poster of the event — Station Tevli / Groshi from the sale of tickets will be right on the door of the Holocaust Museum in Puppet theatre