The events in Odessa at 05 November 2021

"Intellect of Ukraine" and "Rozvivalne Navchannya". Features of the techniques. Food and drink

05 November 2021, 17:00
category: more
place: Location (specified when registering)

"I am a mother, I didn’t go to school so well as to go to school at the same time as my child. I have a lot of food !!! - Yak to help with home workers? - What is the rank of children to teach those mathematicians? And the Ukrainian (Russian) mov? - Why is that so? " I will continue the topic of introduction to the food of our fathers. It is even more important - both for the fathers and for us. Planumo? - "Znurennya in the light of mathematics" On our setup you can: - Learn about the programs that are implemented in the school "Mriya". - Get to know the misunderstanding of the projects "Intellect of Ukraine" and "Razvivalne Navchannya". - Try to "live" the lesson, on which to implement the provided educational technologies. Take a look at the peculiarities of mathematics in both methods, ask for food, as for the first two months of the birth of children. On your nutrition, the teacher of the private school "Mriya" Marakhova T.O. і Demchenko E.M.

The poster of the event — "Intellect of Ukraine" and "Rozvivalne Navchannya". Features of the techniques. Food and drink in Location