The events in Odessa at 30 November 2021

Online MK "Yaki pomilki rob QA Automation Engineer -....

30 November 2021, 19:00
category: master class
place: School of computer science "Hillel" (Kanatnaya str., 22)

Zdijsnyuvati pomilki is natural, especially for fakhivtsya-pochatkivtsya. However, the number of newcomers' pardons can be made to the minimum, as well as from the ear itself. Olena Bolyaeva, Software Engineer at EPAM, distribution, such as gratuities, start to slow down the ears of the automation and the uniqueness. Registration: https: // /.../ onlain-maister-klas-yaki ...

The poster of the event — Online MK "Yaki pomilki rob QA Automation Engineer -.... in School of computer science "Hillel"