The events in Odessa at 02 December 2021

Online conference "Chi maє buti spіvfіnansuvannya repairs in large apartment buildings near the town of Odessa?"

02 December 2021, 17:00
category: online
place: Location (look in the description)

Colleagues, friends, at once we broke up with you that they submitted a program, like on the clever, for all participants, minds to allow capital repairs to be carried out in our apartment booths. At the same time, you have taken as many as six thousand signatures from Odessa, as they want and are ready to purchase a living fund near the city of Odessa. It's a pity, mischievous vlada knows about the idea of ​​an understanding and accepting a document, which does not seem to be of interest to the local people and of directing them to preserve the monopoly from the victorious budget of the city. Shanovnі spіvvlasniki bagatokvartirnih budinkіv, head OSBB that JBK, predstavniki keruyuchih kompanіy, zaproshuєmo you to ZOOM konferentsіyu on yakіy authoritarian prog prezentuyut porіvnyalnu otsіnku svoєї warming up that the document scho proponuє mіska Vlad and takozh will vіdpovіdі to food schodo "prog spіvfіnansuvannya kapіtalnih remontіv large apartment buildings near the town of Odessa ”, which is necessary for our town. To take part in the conference, you need to remember the google form. If you come on Thursday, 12/02/2021 from 17.00 to 18.00, then save it here: If you want to come to the ZOOM conference on Saturday, 04.11.2021 from 17.00 to 18.00, then save: Submission to the restoration form for representatives of ZMI 02.12.2021 at 17:00 Submission to the restoration form for representatives of ZMI 04.12.2021 at 17:00

The poster of the event — Online conference "Chi maє buti spіvfіnansuvannya repairs in large apartment buildings near the town of Odessa?" in Location