The events in Odessa at 14 December 2021

Presentation of the book by Arkady Rybak

14 December 2021, 17:00
category: literary evening
place: Art gallery Artodessa (Summer theatre Garden)

"Is it good where we are not?" A rhetorical question and at the same time - the title of the new, fifth book by Arkady Rybak, published in the author's series about travel. This time Arkady describes and illustrates his impressions of visiting Latin America. Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile are exotic and amazing places on the planet. The writer managed to visit 13 countries of Latin America. They left a deep, "Latin" trail, which is what Arkady Rybak narrates in his travel notes, admitting that the fulfillment of his childhood dream has taken place - the adventures in the novels of Jules Verne and Daniel Defoe - now and his own adventures.

The poster of the event — Presentation of the book by Arkady Rybak in Art gallery Artodessa