The events in Odessa at 14 December 2021

Zek Quiz, a thug romance themed game / Offline and online

14 December 2021, 20:00
category: the game
from 100 to 150 UAH
place: UNIT Men`s Life CAFE (Tiraspolskaya St., 22)

Smart entertaining game about the thieves' world, and everything connected with it. "Vladimir Central" and thieves in law, the series "Escape" and the "Vorovayki" group, AUE and blue tattoos ... all this, and not only on "Zek Quiz", a thematic game about thug romance!  Your team will answer various interesting questions. ☝️ It's like "What? Where? When?" and "Brain-ring", only tasks on our games are not only text, but also music, video and in pictures, and besides, we just have more exciting and fun!   Date: December 14 (Tuesday) The game will take place in parallel in two formats:  Online  Zone: in any place convenient for you   Cost of participation: 100 hryvnia per person  Payment: transfer to card:  4149-6293-1658-7534 (PrivatBank)  Offline  Zone: UNIT Cafe  (Tiraspolskaya street, 22)  Cost of participation: 150 hryvnia per person, minted in a coin 滋  Start: 20:00 (the first question will be asked at 20:05)  Gifts for winners from the Wines of the World trading house   Registration:  Contact phone: +38 (050) 916-01-77

The poster of the event — Zek Quiz, a thug romance themed game / Offline and online in UNIT Men`s Life CAFE