The events in Odessa at 13 January 2022

Therapeutic group number 1

13 January 2022, 18:30
category: seminar/training
550 UAH
place: Odessa GestaltHUB (Kanatnaya str., 11)

We invite you to the weekly psychotherapy group. Why: * Meet yourself and others * Notice the uniqueness: your own and others * Notice the non-unique nature of your problems * Get support * Get a psychological educational program * To live in a group process what is impossible in individual therapy *Feel *Be yourself Leading: Viktor Goreshnik is an accredited gestalt therapist of the OCPAI, a supervisor. Elena Ezerova is an accredited Gestalt therapist of the OPCAT, a family and child psychologist. When: on Thursdays, from 18:30 to 21:30. September 2021 to June 2022 Where: Odessa Gestalt HUB, Kanatnaya 11 Price: 550 UAH Passes are paid. Hours of group therapy are credited to OCPAP students.

The poster of the event — Therapeutic group number 1 in Odessa GestaltHUB