The events in Odessa at 05 February 2022

Osho Active Meditations / Calm the Mind and Reboot

05 February 2022, 18:00
category: lecture
from 200 to 600 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

Dear friends! Every Saturday at 18:00 at the Maulshree Meditation Center there are Osho active meditations. Osho's meditation practices provide an opportunity to release emotions, relax the physical body, release tension in the mind, and bring awareness to all aspects of our lives. PROGRAM: We do kapalabhati pranayama, one standard technique, and listen to Osho's discourses. Techniques are chosen at the request of the participants - Kundalini, Nataraj, Nadabramah, Chakra breathing, Chakra sounds, Gibberish, Laughing drums, Sufi rotation, etc. Pre-registration is required. It is advisable to have a sports or any other changeable comfortable clothing with you. Optional eye patch, bottle of water. LEADER: Sannyasins Osho Ma Prem Jaya and Swami Dhyan Nirma. COST: 600 UAH for a monthly subscription (4 lessons) or 200 UAH for a one-time lesson. TIME: 18:00 to 19:30. WHERE: Shevchenko Ave., 4e Please arrive 10 minutes early to change and listen to instructions. REGISTRATION: sign up IN ADVANCE in personal messages or by phone 063 401 17 64 (Viber).

The poster of the event — Osho Active Meditations / Calm the Mind and Reboot in Location