The events in Odessa at 05 February 2022

Recruitment in life and business

05 February 2022, 10:00
category: master class
place: Location (specified when registering)

Here are collected the best techniques of profiling, negotiation, combat NLP and hypnosis. You will learn how to become your own not just for strangers, but for those who were initially negatively disposed towards you. In this training, thanks to mastering the skill of recruitment, you will: → get dedicated people, be it employees, partners, customers, the right people. → learn to motivate the right people without money → stop the outflow of people from you and acquire new ones → learn how to manage the process of negotiations, sales. We sell everything in life. → become independent from the manipulations of others → master new techniques for responding to objections → learn how to build long-term relationships on different foundations with the right people to get the desired benefits → change people's beliefs

The poster of the event — Recruitment in life and business in Location