The events in Odessa at 06 February 2022

School of the young museum worker / 150 years of contemporary art 12 to 15 years

06 February 2022, 14:00
category: for children
place: Art Museum (Sophia, 5A)

The school of the young museum worker turns to the Odessa Art Museum  It's already September 30th, we sent a chime in the morning. Why did we want to focus on practical storage and for that very reason we asked Anna Kirilenko, talented artist Anna Kirilenko, to organize the School of the young museum worker. Now there is an art school in OFAM. ⏰Koli: Monday from 30 September to 17 April. De: Odessa National Art Museum, Sofia, 5a. Varity: 900₴ for a block of three to take. 11:00 - 12:10 (I group) Recommendations for all participants: from 6 to 8 years. 12:30 - 13:40 (Group II) Recommendations for participants: from 9 to 11 years. 14:00 – 15:30 (III group) Recommendations for all participants: from 12 to 15 years. Kindly understand the history of the art of chi generate the art with your hands? For the right students and graduates of our School and those and іnshe - not a problem. Our meta is to teach children to create beautifully, spiraling to the end of the mitzvah of the past. On the course “150 Years of Modern Art”, we knew how modern art was developing in the world, and equally, how many processes knew the implementation in our country. We know the tips for this diet: ✔️ Why is there “-ізмів” in the modern world? ✔️ How did photography “drive in” academicism? ✔️ How was the avant-garde trend bula "nayavant-garde"? The skin theme is developed with a stretch of 3 teeth. Tse allow to spoіlnitsya that vodchuti zanurennya in the creative process without haste.‍About the teacher: Anna Kirilenko is a teacher with 12 years of experience. At her robotic vicorist's special orientations, she developed a skin education and that student, even if she is impressed, who does not have untalented children. A skin child is an artist, only a skin child knows about it. You can get a subscription on the website of the school for permission We give all the materials and please provide the participants with handy clothes and clothes. The maximum number of children in the group is 15 children! DETAILED PROGRAM "150 years of modern art": Topic No. 1: 30 September - 13 February "Impressionism against the system!" Sales already announced. Buy season tickets on our website: Zmist: Let's talk about the rebels of the impressionists, who were the first to go against the authoritative Academy and laid the cob of a new mysticism. We know the difference between Manet and Monet - the best friends and the founders of style. Get to know Degas and Renoir, Valentin Serov, Kostyantin Korovin, Gerasim Golovkov and others. A practical part: We think the ballerina is so sensible, what was new and unusual in the image of the dancers. Lesson No. 1 – 30 September Zmistovna lecture-conversation behind the topic. The task of theoretical material is to pass through the path of emotional zanurennya at the conversation of the skin listener. Occupation number 2 - 6 fierce Materials: simple olive, paper, oil pastel. Lesson No. 3 - 13 fierce (completing a practical robot) Materials: oil pastel Theme No. 2: 20th of the fierce - 6th of birch "Expressionism - the emotion of painting"Valid for the sale of subscriptions on February 13, 2022 Contrast: Porinemo to the expressive world of Van Gogh, Edvard Munch and the invisible Egon Schill. Let's talk about those who, like expressionism, vplinuv on the natives of Nilus, Gershenfeld and others. Practical part: We create an expressive portrait, emotions and feelings. Occupation number 1 - 20 fierce Zmistovna lecture-conversation behind the topic. Occupation number 2 - 27 fierce Materials: ink black, umber, sanguina Lesson No. 3 - 6 birch (completing the practical work) Materials: ink black, umber, sanguina Topic No. 3: 13 - 27 birch "What does symbolism symbolize?" Sales deadline 6 March 2022 Zmist: Let's get to know the mysterious symbolism and number groups. Let's take a look at the world of Paul Gauguin, Gustave Klimt, Mikhail Vrubel, Mikalojus Chyurlionis and others, whose works carried symbolic zmist and gave the beginning of modernism. Practical part: Let's create a mystical picture, fill it with symbols and mysticism. Lesson No. 1 — 13 birch Zmistovna lecture-conversation behind the topic. Lesson No. 2 – 20 March Materials: craft paper, glue, paper with different textures and colors, colored olives. Lesson No. 3 - 27 birch (completing the practical work) Materials: craft paper, glue, paper with different textures and colors, colored olives. Topic No. 4: 3 — 17 April "Colourful wild dances of the Fauvists" Sales deadline 27 March 2022Zmist: Let's dive into the bright and dynamic fovism, which spins us in the rhythm of the tank of Henri Matisse. Let's look at the work of Gustave Moreau, Andre Derain. We know about the creators of the "Jack of Diamonds" association and representatives of Illya Mashkov and Pyotr Konchalovsky. Practical part: Let's create a decorative collage of mysterious roslins. Lesson No. 1 – 3 April Lecture-discussion behind the topic. Lesson No. 2 – 10 April Materials: gouache, penzle, knives, glue. Lesson No. 3 — 17 April (completing the practical work) Materials: gouache, penzle, knives, glue. Come our zustrіchі to continue the theme of straying -іzmіv. Let's take it as straight as Dadaism, Cubism, Futurism and otherwise show your artistic fantasies! We will tell you the details later. To zustrіchі in Odessa Artistic! M

The poster of the event — School of the young museum worker / 150 years of contemporary art 12 to 15 years in Art Museum