The events in Odessa at 27 January 2022

Group of drawing and painting 7-13 years old

27 January 2022, 16:30
category: the courses
place: Art Studio KIT (LM rainbow, 7V)

There is a set in groups of drawing and painting 7-13 years old, a branch in Raduzhny Schedule of groups in which there are places: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. at 16:30, Groups are small, up to 6 people. Everyone works on their own task, depending on the goals and starting level. In the photo #kit_result See prices in the current or write in direct #zhmrazhnyodessa #drawingodessa #detiodessa #zhmrazhny #paintingodessa

The poster of the event — Group of drawing and painting 7-13 years old in Art Studio KIT