The events in Odessa at 04 February 2022

How to fold a resume? Workshop

04 February 2022, 12:00
category: seminar/training
place: Entrepreneurs Support Center "Diya.Biznes I Odesa" (st. Greek, 1a)

How to properly fold your resume, what do you need to order first for everything? At a workshop for self-employed people with impaired hearing, that movement, the core of the Odessa center Diya.Business - Oleksandra Ilyashenko, share life hacks for creating a correct resume. At the workshop:  We can add a resume, on a yak obov’s beastly beast respect robots.  Let's analyze all the nuances that you need to focus on in the writing of your professional business card. Oleksandra Ilyashenko is a supporter of the Diya.Business center in Odessa. In 2018, the rotation of the curator embraced the curator’s directive “Practice and implementation of the work of the middle of the refugees” and HPE (under the patronage of the UN of Ukraine). The Danish visit was organized by a partnership with Mastercard to meet the needs of the development of self-employment of people with disabilities. 04.02 12:00 - 14:00 Online Free Registration for requests

The poster of the event — How to fold a resume? Workshop in Entrepreneurs Support Center "Diya.Biznes I Odesa"