The events in Odessa at 05 February 2022


05 February 2022, 19:00
category: tasting
1430 UAH
place: The Pub "Corvin" (17 lanzheronivs'ka St)

On Saturday, February 5, there will be a black wine tasting. For the first time you will be like a cicava. ☝️There will be whisky, performances from the independent bottler That Boutique-y Whiskey Company. He is really a boutique merchant, you can know even non-vintage releases from him. We chose the same whiskey at our tasting. 弄弄We look at the Reservoir Distillery from Virginia. Tse will be two whiskey taken from wheat and wheat malt. 弄弄Let's check two US malt whiskeys for us. Copperworks Batch 1 - the same small distillery in Washington state has made its first experiment in the production of malt whiskey and bitters, the same small boutique company can taste it. Malt whiskey from Texas! Same way! These boys have been experimenting for a long time with the production of malt whiskey and trying to make smoky. The Balcones distillery is surrounded by low, internationally high vineyards. 弄І finish with malt whiskey from the Australian distillery Tin Shed. The distillery is not large, but the distillery is already popular, yak took off the high hedges at the festivals of the month. Mistse zustrіchі: Corvin pub. 05 fierce, Saturday, 19.00. 弄弄Vartist - 1430 UAH. Make up the fate of the bodies:  + 38 073 404 38 95 Check for the address: Langeronivska, 17

The poster of the event — WHISKY in The Pub "Corvin"