The events in Odessa at 04 February 2022

Homecoming Night

04 February 2022, 20:00
category: party
place: Restaurant-club "Ministerium" (Gogol str,12)

拾 How many years have passed since that most beautiful Graduation, how many winters ... How many classmates drove off to a better world ... - America! How much ... you can whine !!! Yes, finally, gather all together (well, except for Lyokha-pimple) at the Ministerium on the first Friday of February! Have some fun (well, except for the spitting pipe) all the way through Homecoming Night! Who arranged this all of a sudden?! And the First Telegram Show "Morning Bread" and Biehu Band! And additional fun from whom?.. Cabaret Buffon, of course! And “it’s okay to sit”, of course, from the Ministerium! Alumni ribbons, medals, concert, special prices for alcohol, disco, Julia-Krasotka from 11th B - all the joys of Graduation in one bottle! That is, in the Ministry! February 4th, Friday, 20.00 - Alumni Night. ☎️Reservation of tables by phone 048 770 80 70. Entrance, but not examination, ticket - 400 UAH. Be sure to have memories under the "drunken bazaars" after midnight!

The poster of the event — Homecoming Night in Restaurant-club "Ministerium"