События в Одессе 22 сентября 2018

Night Ambassadors X

22 сентября 2018, 22:00
категория: вечеринка
место: Коктейль-бар "The Fitz" (ул. Екатерининская, 6)

Night Ambassadors X The Fitz Love for good Vibes is already tight in our hearts. It will pour through the open windows into the streets, fill the terrace, and we will not interfere with it. For the sake of this love we brought a special guest with us. Katro Zauber (Night Ambassadors Resident) - musical esthete, behind the console at The Fitz. To be beautiful, bright and delicious. To dance, drink, smile together. This Saturday At our fav place in Odessa. Let's love music together. General partner of the evening - Jose Cuervo Dress-code: cocktail / smart casual. Face control.