События в Одессе 07 грудня 2019

Céline Rudolph / Pearls Tour, Odessa (UA)

07 грудня 2019, 19:00
категория: концерт
от 200 до 1000 грн
место: Міський Концертний Зал (вул. Рішельєвська, 33)

 Про Селін              "Перлина Європейського джазового вокалу" - так кажуть про Селін на французькій радіостанції TSF. І НЕ дарма!              Céline Rudolph - вокалістка та композіторка з Берліну. Вона балансує между чотірма містамі: Берліном, Сан-Паулу, Парижем та Нью-Йорком, между мовами та жанрами, но всегда знаходиться в самому серці музики               Селін народилася в Берліні, виросла у сім'ї музикантів. Вивчай джазовий вокал у Hochschule der Künste Berlin, Згідно порінула у Африканська музику та вчились у перкусіоніста Фамуду Конате на Западе Африки. Любов до бразільської музики привела ее в Сан-Паулу. Там вона познайомілась з Родольфо Стретером, Який продюсував три ее альбому та Чотири тури по Європі та Бразилии.               Альбом Селін "OBSESSION" попал в щорічній список German Critics Award "Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik" і виграли престижну премию German Jazz Award ECHO JAZZ 2018 за найкращий джазовий вокал.               Про програму              Легкість, природній бразильський ритм та Класичні джазові традиції поєдналіся у новому альбомі Селін "PEARLS". Нам з вами пощастило почути его у живому віконанні!       Джазовий вокал та імпровізаційна майстерність, рітмічне натхнення та СКЛАДНІ мелодічні Прийоми покажуть шлях до захоплюючої звукової подорожі                Склад               Tomek Soltys        Marc Muellbauer        Eric Schaefer              До зустрічі в Urban Music Hall на Berlin.Odesa.Fest                Коли: 7 грудня        Час: 19:00        Вартість: від 500 грн.Квітки за ПОСИЛАННЯ  http://bit.ly/2ouaAWj       Та на касі Urban Music Hall за адресою Рішельєвська, 33.                     English text below       _____________________              Céline Rudolph at Urban Music Hall (07 Dec 19) with Tomek Soltys, Marc Muellbauer, and Eric Schaefer.              "I love the adrenaline, the here and now, the surprise and the power which the stage grants me." -              Vocalist and composer Céline Rudolph glides between Berlin, São Paulo, Paris and New York, between tongues and genres, always landing in the very heart of music.              She particularly enjoys the line-up with these incredibly inspiring Brazilian musicians because she feels that it truly allows her to connect the ease and natural flow of Brazilian rhythm with the great jazz tradition, and her own songs and compositions recently released on her album PEARLS. Above all, this band pulsates with the rather effortless vocal and improvisational artistry of Céline Rudolph, which includes exciting rhythmic inspirations, highly sophisticated melodic improvisations and fascinating sound poetry."Music is like breathing, it was there ever since I could remember" Céline Rudolph says and recollects how her father always played a break when jamming on the guitar, so that there was a space for his children to create improvised lines or percussive fills. Born in Berlin and raised with her parents 'rich record collection, the daughter of a Frenchwoman from Bordeaux and a cosmopolitan musical enthusiast from Berlin, picked up the piano and started composing as an autodidact, then started writing French songs on the guitar, which became her main tool of expression. Later, she studied vocal jazz and composition at Hochschule der Künste Berlin with mentors David Friedman, Jerry Granelli, Kirk Nurock and Catherine Gayer. Soon, she plunged into African music and studied with the percussionist Famoudou Konaté in West Africa. Her love of Brazilian music led her to São Paulo where she met Rodolfo Stroeter who produced three of her albums and four tours across Europe and Brazil so far: The albums are BRAZAVENTURE, METAMORFLORES (enja records) and SALVADOR (Verve, Universal) which features New York based Brazilian pianist Helio Alves (2011).Since 2015 she is collaborating with New York based Beninese guitarist Lionel Loueke, having recorded the duo album OBSESSION and then playing together at 12th Jarasum Int. Jazz Festival in South Korea. "This is a very unique project because there are no boundaries. I knew from the start that we are kind of from the same tribe, "says Lionel Loueke. Since then, the duo toured Europe, Asia and Africa. The album OBSESSION reached the annual list of the German Critics Award "Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik", and won Céline Rudolph the prestigious German Jazz Award ECHO JAZZ 2018 for best jazz vocalist.              Now, praised as "a jewel of European jazz vocals" by the French radio station, TSF, having recorded numerous albums with many wonderful musicians including Gary Peacock, Bob Moses, Naná Vasconcelos, Diego Figueiredo and Marcos Suzano, and esteemed by colleagues like Bobby McFerrin, Lee Konitz or Jay Clayton, the adventurous pearl fisher sailed from Berlin to Brooklyn for her new album PEARLS (released 21st of June 2019). Co-producer and drummer Jamire Williams: "I've never heard anything like Céline's music, she writes in such a unique way, and her vocal sound is second to none. Her vibes and flow in connection with what our band has created make this production so special. " Besides Jamire Williams the line-up includes Leo Genovese (p), Burniss Travis (b) and Céline's soulmate Lionel Loueke (git).              Listen to Pearls: https://orcd.co/pearlsBesides performing with Lionel Loueke and PEARLS, Céline Rudolph started a solo programme combining loops, effects, percussion and guitar.              More music by Céline: https://geni.us/CelineRudolph_Music       Follow Céline: https://geni.us/CelineRudolph_Social              Céline Rudolph website: http://www.celinerudolph.com/              #MindOfPearls #PearlsTour #Odessa #Ukraine #WorldFusion #CrossoverJazz #ContemporaryJazz #VocalJazz #JazzMusic

Афиша события — Céline Rudolph / Pearls Tour, Odessa (UA) в Міський Концертний Зал