The events in Odessa at 27 January 2018

Achievement syndrome. How multitasking hinders productivity

27 January 2018, 16:00
category: seminar/training
200 UAH
place: Co-working center "IQSpace" (Zhukovskogo str., 9)

Many of us are familiar with the “achievment syndrome” : every day we get more work, tasks become more difficult, goals go further and higher, and more efforts must be made to stay in the flow, keep up with the news, take into account all possible conditions and factors, and continue to grow and develop. This in itself is wonderful - ever more complex tasks and ever higher goals make life rich and interesting. Nevertheless, this is often given at a rather expensive price, from the decline in health and immunity, and ending with the loss of the very essence of life, when in the race for a new beautiful future you lose the only beautiful that we actually have - the present⏰. ⏳ Is it possible to work productively not out of stress, but out of relaxation? ⏳ Is it possible to cope with dozens of tasks qualitatively, managing to enjoy the fullness and beauty of the moment? ⏳ Is it possible not to work “for wear”, but to improve one’s health without slowing down at the same time? ⏳ Finally, is it possible in this process to acquire more meaning and happiness? → The answer to all these questions will be a definite yes. Psychologists and neuropsychologists from leading medical schools around the world, such as Harvard, Oxford, Carnegie Mellon and Yale, have been researching ways to achieve this for over forty years. And the answer fits on one line: the practice of mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness is an open, invaluable attention to what is happening right now in our environment and inside us - in our thoughts, emotions and sensations of the body.At this seminar, we will get acquainted with the basic principles of this practice, and study the specific methods and techniques of work that you can then continue to master yourself. ❗ speaker Victor Shiryaev is a professor of basic mindfulness practice, a Sinologist, a specialist in developmental psychology. He graduated from the East Faculty of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in history and philosophy of China, lived for 7 years in China. Co-founder of the Mindspot Awareness Practice Center in Odessa. Conducts seminars, presentations, retreats on the practice of mindfulness, an integrated approach, psychology of adult development in the CIS, Europe and Asia. ⌛ Details When: January 27, 16: 00-18: 00 Where: iQSpace, st. Zhukovsky, 9. Price: 200 UAH → Buy a ticket:

The poster of the event — Achievement syndrome. How multitasking hinders productivity in Co-working center "IQSpace"
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