The events in Odessa at 02 December 2019

Therapeutic group "About insults"

02 December 2019, 18:30
category: seminar/training
900 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

I invite you to the second group "About Offenses".       This is a practical course about how we manage, what strategies of behavior we most often use.              This course provides an opportunity to look deep inside yourself, to touch what has been lost for a long time, to find new ways and ways to react.              There we work out actual situations and experiences, “close” old stories on which we spent our energy.       This is a lot of practice and tools.              What do you get?              - study of their current experiences       - new experience and skills to carefully monitor your feelings and sensations.              You will learn:              - support yourself in difficult times       - keep yourself when you are intentionally harmed       - let go of difficult experiences       - It is safe to express anger and anger without carrying it all in yourself              What will happen?       - exercises and techniques of emotional-figurative therapy       - work with the unconscious through images and the body.       - art therapy       - exercises from bodynamic (body-oriented therapy)              The course includes 3 classes       December 2, 4 and 6 from 6.30 p.m.-9 p.m.              The cost of the course is 900 UAH.       Advance payment only.       All materials are provided.              Venue - French Boulevard 52.       Group up to 8 people.

The poster of the event — Therapeutic group "About insults" in Location