The events in Odessa at 01 December 2019

"From Ancient Jews to Jehovah's Witnesses" by Arkady Grin

01 December 2019, 14:00
category: lecture
from 40 to 70 UAH
place: Museum of Western and Oriental art (Pushkinskaya str., 9)

Arkady Grin’s author’s lecture on biblical translations.       Not a single book has been written that would raise as many questions, heated debate and controversy as the Bible.       Arkady Grin - a linguist, historian and religious scholar, will talk about the problems that arise when transmitting a biblical text into other languages.       The lecture will examine the original Hebrew (Old Testament) and Ancient Greek (New Testament) texts and their canonical translations into Greek, Latin, Old Slavonic, modern Russian, German and some other languages.       At the same time, during the lecture, inadvertent errors and deliberate falsifications, which were used by translators of various faiths, will be examined in detail.              We invite you to the first day of winter in our warm and cozy # museum lecture hall at 14:00       Ticket price: 70/40 UAH              #WEart_museum

The poster of the event — "From Ancient Jews to Jehovah's Witnesses" by Arkady Grin in Museum of Western and Oriental art