The events in Odessa at 17 December 2019

My happy 2020

17 December 2019, 19:00
category: lecture
100 UAH
place: Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa" (1A Grecheskaya street)

When December begins the New Year countdown, we are seized by the fever of debriefing. The social boom of the events “Results of the Year !, Planning the New Year” begins, our entire information universe just shouts to us “don’t talk about ... procrastinate your next year. Find out how to fulfill all your plans! Boost your efficiency! Be the best version of yourself! Be more productive, otherwise you will regret it. ”              We DO NOT argue that productivity is important.       But the question seems to us all the more important - how to live this year not just effectively, but happily. How to manage to keep yourself, your well-being, your meaning and your joy of life behind your goals and objectives, deadlines and results.       We suggest that on the eve of the new year, you plan to live it happily, in full accordance with your needs and values. And tell you how.       At the lecture workshop “My Happy 2020” we:              - Let’s talk about what a culture of well-being is and why this term is generally used       - Consider the classic six-factor model of well-being       - Talk about burnout prevention       - Consider the basic practices of well-being and try some of them       - We will answer the question - how to integrate well-being practices into everyday life                     Who are we and why are we teaching this?Maryna Goncharenko is a co-founder of Impact Hub Odessa, a designer of educational programs for people from 10 to 90 years old, the organizer of the Kinburn retreat, a member of the Well-Being Project ecosystem. He has a history of burnout and subsequent recovery, experience of clinical depression (and successful exit from it).              Stanislav Drohaiev is a psychotherapist in the eyeballs, a leading Balint group for teachers, recruiters and social workers. An expert on the prevention of burnout and vitality. Organizer Kinburn Retreat.              For three years, the authors of the lecture have been organizing a retreat for leaders / ok NGOs and social innovators / ok Kіnburn Rіtrіt, as well as researching and promoting a culture of well-being among professions most at risk of burnout and depression.              Bonus: at the lecture, for the first time, we will present to the general public the author's product of the Kinburn Retreat team - a coaching notebook that provides tools and practices for the personal study of the qualities of a mature person and personal well-being.              Entrance: 100 UAH       If you register, we will definitely save a place for you:              By the way, in order not to miss the events of the Living Room, we recommend subscribing to our telegram channel:

The poster of the event — My happy 2020 in Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa"