The events in Odessa at 25 January 2020

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of children and adolescents

25 January 2020, 10:00
category: the courses
place: Location (specified when registering)

"PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS" Southern-the Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Society announces group of specialization "Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of children and adolescents" Everyone is welcome, interested in deepening theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in working with children and adolescents. The author of the course -E. M. Nikolova (Sukhorebra) Experience teaching more than 10 years (the Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis – the psychoanalysis of children and adolescents; southern-the Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Society – psychoanalysis of children and adolescents, the General theory of psychoanalysis, object relations theory, psychoanalytic theory of psychosomatic disorders, psychoanalytic ethics); USP – propedeutics of psychoanalysis of children and adolescents ) Experience of practical work – more than 17 years. Program Director of the maternal-infant therapy, author and host of the project "Conversations about education" The training consists of 10 independent units and involves working with theoretical material, seminars, workshops. At the end of each unit a certificate of YUPO. Form of education – one day workshops, monthly, or bimonthly at the discretion of the group) Upon completion of training receive a certificate of YUPO (CPT Ukraine) Beginning of classes: 1 unit - January 25, 2020 Theme 1 unit: The Theory Of F. Dolto. The body schema and the unconscious image of the body as the synthesis of emotional experience. The concept symbologies castration as the ban on direct satisfaction of the drive, bringing a new level of development to the processes of sublimation. The concept symbologies castration as a diagnostic criterion in the evaluation of relations between a child and parents. Syllabus: 2. The Theory Of F. Dolto. Violations of the structuring of body image and way of thinking in every phase of psychosexual development. Diagnostic capabilities the understanding of the symptom as a way of expressing anxiety. 3. The theory of family systems M. Bowen. The concept of emotional system. The family influence on the course of therapy. Technique of assessment of the family. 4. Fantasy and symbolization. The use of games and fantasy in the work with children. 5. The first meeting with the child. The first meeting with parents. The choice of model, development of the working Alliance. 6. Children and parents in a divorce situation. Typical psychological symptoms of children's reactions to parental divorce. Features of therapy and work with parents. Shared parenthood after divorce – the main objectives of counseling and therapy. 7.Joint consultation – the child and the parents. The technique of realization. Features of the countertransference in working with parents and children. 8.Theoretical and practical aspects of working with aggression. Manifestations in the process of therapy for different phases of development, features of work. The analyst position. The main task of counseling parents. 9 and 10. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in working with adolescents. The notion of norms and objectives of development. Psychosexual development. Features of therapeutic interaction. The first interview with the teenager, diagnostic criteria, the technique of conducting. Features of therapeutic interaction. Setting. Work with parents. For more information and to sign up: 067 712 0979 Nikolova (Sukhorebra) Elena E-mail: ocpsyr@gmail

The poster of the event — Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of children and adolescents in Location