The events in Odessa at 06 August 2020

Odessa in the legends and legends in Odessa. Discussion on the novel Anna Michalewski "cocoon"

06 August 2020, 11:30
category: literary evening
place: Address (Shevchenko Park)

We will focus on the new and old legends of Odessa, their refraction in the novel "cocoon". We will talk about how over time the legend has transformed how varied the types of heroes and heroic deeds, which are expected from them. And still waiting! _______ PARTICIPANTS OF THE DISCUSSION: Maya dimerley – poet, writer, translator: translated from the Japanese work of the founder of modern Japanese literature, Soseki Natsume "Ten nights of dreams". The author of the poetry collection "On the brink" storybook "there is no Death! (but there Barmaley)", co-author of the novels-que "judge Not the black sheep," "the coachman, do not drive the plane." Executive Director of the International jazz festival "Master-Jam fest", the Museum of Odessa modern art. Andrew Dobrolyubski – archaeologist, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor. 45 years of archaeological work in Ukraine, in Moldova, Middle Asia, Northern Caucasus; specialist excavations of burial mounds, ancient monuments and medieval and modern cities of the black sea. The head of archaeological excavations in Odessa and Kherson (1995-2006). Ksenia Lyakisheva – artist, Illustrator, lecturer. Illustrations and paintings are in private collections of Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Germany, Switzerland and Lebanon. Including illustrations included in the book M. Petrosyan "the House in which". The winner of the literary contest and the exhibition "Frida", Odessa, 2016. Keen on Ethnography and mythology of the peoples of the world. Anna Mikhalevskaya – science fiction writer, essayist, literary critic. In 2017, he published a collection of short stories "Midware", in 2020 – novel "cocoon". Co-author novels-que "judge Not the black sheep," "the coachman, do not drive the plane." _______ Sometimes it seems that Odessa is in the crosshairs of all sorts of roads, cultures and times, and therefore can not be a reality. But nevertheless, this amazing city there is. It is the birth of many legends, where its multi-ethnic past is intertwined with a changing present and creates unpredictable future. Gangster Odessa, Moldavanka, the catacombs, the most publicized myth, but it's the tip of the iceberg, and that is just part of it. What can you say about Yeahboi mountain, where they found a sanctuary of the goddess Demeter – irrefutable proof of our ancient Greek past; his myths are closely intertwined Odessa legends. And Peresypsky isthmus, which the sea and people with varying degrees of success fought each other, its complicated history. He was a Strait place of the Cossack settlements, promenade, industrial area, and finally, a connecting line between the areas at which the sea no and reiterates their rights. Remember the medieval Park of the Genoese ships the Ginestra, so named because of fields of yellow Heather, lying on the shores of Odessa. All this happened once on the site of our city. Something we can explore, and in the absence of information to think and assume. So the true story of the past becomes legend. But there are new legends that we create ourselves – our daily life or work, or doing nothing. Our city is still full of puzzles, bright and vibrant, increasingly moving away from its history, surrendering to the mercy of the so-called laws of business. More important than the momentary eternal. Comfort is preferable to common sense. Corporations above people. The novel Anna Michalewski "cocoon" brings together in his story and the new and the old urban legends and myths. Here there are bandits, and Moldavian, and a sanctuary of the goddess Demeter, and the modern Corporation, which trade with success. How to be yourself? How to live your story, not follow someone else's legend? I want to believe that the new legend of Odessa will be created not only businessmen, for whom the less personal, the more business. What can oppose this literature? Heroes! Invisible little people, capable of the power of his spirit to change the course of history.

The poster of the event — Odessa in the legends and legends in Odessa. Discussion on the novel Anna Michalewski "cocoon" in Address